
Source: Paul McLean

Topics | Subjects | Body culture | Tasks & exercises

Tasks & exercises

The Smiths - Still Ill

Time perspective: 25 minutes
Working method: Group work
Product: Written analysis of a song

Still Ill (1984) is a song by British pop group The Smiths . The song comments on the political situation of the Thatcher era in the 1980s, but also poses questions about sexuality, body and mind.

Analyse the song focusing on a couple of self-chosen focal points from poems & songs.

Vladimir Nabokov - Lolita (1955)


nabokov-lolita.pdf (75 kb).

Time perspective: 30 minutes
Working method: Individual work, pair-work or group work
Product: Analysis of a work of fiction

Lolita (1955) is a novel by Russian-born American writer Vladimir Nabokov . The book is framed as the memoirs of its antihero, Humbert Humbert, released after his death. Humbert is descriped as a European intellectual and pedophile, who lusts after the titular character, 12-year old Lolita. Analyse the text focusing on the main character, Humbert Humbert and the style of writing. You may also choose to answer questions instead.


Presentation on Body Culture

Time perspective: 5 lessons
Working method: Group work
Product: 10-15 minute presentation
Aims of the exercise: Communication, research and analysis


These are instructions for an approximately four-lesson student-driven project. In groups you are to prepare a presentation on a subject of your own choice, but obviously related to the headline body culture. Your presentation must be at least 10-15 minutes long.


Research: Conduct a thorough research of your subject and remember to use as credible sources as possible and to cite the sources.

A problem formulation: You must create a problem formulation that is based on Bloom's taxonomy. Your problem formulation must seek to solve or highlight an issue related to body culture.

Presentation: The presentation must be at least 10-15 minutes long including video sequences, introductions, breaks etc. and must of course be presented in English. All group members must participate verbally in the presentation.

Log book: After each lesson you must update a Google docs (please forward it to mikkelrosendal1988@gmail.com) that details your work during the lesson. It does not have to be thorough. Notes, scribbles, lists, ideas etc. are more than welcome.

Cue-cards: Try to bring printed or written cue-cards for your presentation, instead of your computers.